Cherubino Alberti - Sabijnse maagdenroof


Cherubino Alberti - Sabijnse maagdenroof



Koning Romulus geeft zijn soldaten orders om de Sabijnse maagden te gaan halen. Een stoet Romeinse soldaten met speren en schilden marcheert naar rechts. Links een engel balancerend op een bal, blazend op twee trompetten. Op een plaquette onder de voorstelling tekst in het Latijn. Genummerd midden onder: 1.

Cherubino Alberti was an Italian engraver and painter of the late Renaissance. He was born in 1553 in Borgo San Sepolcro, Tuscany. He was the son of a local artist and learned the art of engraving from his father. Alberti worked in Rome, where he became famous for his engravings of classical sculptures and ancient ruins. His work was highly sought after by collectors and art lovers, and he became one of the most important engravers of his time. In addition to his engravings, Alberti also painted portraits and landscapes. His paintings were influenced by the Mannerist style, characterised by exaggerated poses and dramatic lighting. Alberti died in Rome in 1615, leaving a legacy as one of the most talented and influential artists of his time. His engravings and paintings are still admired and studied today for their technical skill and artistic vision.



1563 - 1615



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Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication ("CCO 1.0 Dedication")

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