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Free images of hands. Public domain stock photo of hands. Royalty free photos.

People keep searching online for one question: "Where can I find free high-resolution stock images that are cleared to use without any copyright restrictions? Where to find images for blog posts or social media?" Almost every image created in the last 70 years is still protected by copyright, but you can find a public domain photo, an image that does not need attribution, or image that has copyright expired. First, it helps to understand some copyright-related terms before using any free images. Always read the terms and conditions of the site you try to use to download free images and photos, so you know if, when, and what type of attribution is required. What is Creative Commons? Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. There are various types of Creative Commons licenses that range from allowing any type of use with no attribution to allowing only certain uses and no changes. Most authors using Creative Commons require some sort of attribution. While relatively easy to use such free images in blogs, using such images for video might be problematic unless you create lengthy credits section. Even if you do, you still may breach the particular image Creative Commons license since it often requires backlinking. What is Public Domain? Works in the public domain are those whose copyrights have expired or never existed. The public domain status of official government works is sometimes difficult to determine but there are some easy cases: works of the United States federal government, for example, are not protected by copyright and are thus in the public domain. The same does not hold in general for the works of other governments or all 50 States of the United States. Determining whether a particular work of a particular government are in the public domain requires research and sometimes even legal advice. What is Royalty-Free? Most royalty-free images aren’t free. In most cases, you’ll have to pay a one-time fee to obtain the rights to use the image. Then you can use it as many times as you like. The term “free” in “royalty-free” means that you do not have to pay royalties to the owner of the image every time you use it. We've reviewed terms of few popular Free Image Websites below. 1. Unsplash Unsplash has its own license, which essentially lets you use the images for free, in any way you like, except for using them to create a competing website. 2. Pexels Pexels also has its own license, which states what you can and cannot do with the images. You can use and modify the images for free for both commercial and personal use without attribution. 3. Pixabay We love Pixabay. Images on Pixabay are licensed under Creative Commons Zero (CC0), which means you can use the images without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist. Pixabay also explains tricky legal language such as "model release". 4. Gratisography Gratisography also has its own free photo license, which lets you do “almost anything you can think of”. While they have not too many images, many are high-quality images that I would use. 5. Flickr Flickr is where you can find images that can be used and modified for commercial purposes. Select “Commercial use & mods allowed” under the “Any license” filter to find those images, and remember to check the license for each image as they vary. Be careful with Flickr images since as far as we can see, many images are labeled public domain wrongfully or without much research. 6. Google Image Search Google Advanced Image Search is a method of finding free-to-use images through Google’s own search tools. It is 100% automated, so you can't blindly trust the license cited. Use it with caution. Same as Flickr, Google bears no responsibility. When using free online images, always do your research.



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This image is from Pixabay and was published prior to July 2017 under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication license . In July 2017, Pixabay switched the old sitewide license for all uploads from Creative Commons CC0 to a custom license arrangement that does not meet the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication license terms.

label_outline Explore Paw, Hands, Friendship

Bacchus standing in a niche holding grapes in his raised right hand, fruit in his left hand, a dog lower right

HUD Section 3 [programs meeting, HUD headquarters,] with Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity [representatives on hand]

A brown dog with a tag on it's collar. Dog friend pet.

Choice Neighboorhoods [Program] Stakeholder Meeting, [with Secretary Shaun Donovan among the HUD senior officials on hand]

[Screen shots from Web broadcast of] President Barack Obama [signing Executive Order 13589 designed to cut waste and promote efficient spending across the federal government. Among the agency representatives on hand for the signing:] HUD Acting Deputy Secretary Estelle Richman.

[Assignment: 48-DPA-N_Ducks_Un_5-3-06] [Capitol Hill Banquet for the Federal City Chapter of] Ducks Unlimited, [with Fish and Wildlife Service Director H. Dale Hall and other Interior representatives on hand] [48-DPA-N_Ducks_Un_5-3-06_DOI_4578.JPG]

[Assignment: 48-DPA-N_Springer_4-6-06] Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Director Linda Springer [among officials on hand for] ribbon-cutting ceremony, tour of new OPM facilities [for the Human Resources Products and Services Division, Resource Management Office, Retirement Information Office] [48-DPA-N_Springer_4-6-06_DOI_2332.JPG]

SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – Soldiers from Charlie

HUD Strategic Planning Feedback Session [and follow-up activities, with Secretary Shaun Donovan and Deputy Secretary Ron Sims among the senior officials on hand]

Veterans Day Ceremony [at HUD headquarters, with Secretary Shaun Donovan among the senior officials on hand]

[Hurricane Katrina] New Orleans, LA, September 19, 2005 -- A FEMA Urban Search and Rescue worker looks after his rescue dog who injured his paw while searching in a neighborhood affected by Hurricane Katrina. Jocelyn Augustino/FEMA

Secretary Shaun Donovan at the Department of Justice, [where he joined Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. at a press conference announcing the] mortgage servicers settlement: [a $25 billion agreement, reached by HUD, Justice, and 49 state attorneys general with the nation's five largest mortgage servicers. Among the other officials on hand were the Attorney General of Iowa, Tom Miller; HUD Inspector General David Montoya; Attorney General of Colorado, John Suthers; and Associate U.S. Attorney General, Tom Perrelli.]


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