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Building glazurkarz ceramic building. A man is holding a red tape measure



A man is holding a red tape measure

In the second grade students begin to understand basic economic concepts in the American economy. Students describe ways people are paid for their labor and how goods and services are purchased through means like check, cash, and credit cards, and provide examples of interdependence through trade/barter and purchase. Students describe the connection between taxes and community services including schools, sanitation and water, fire and police protection, libraries, and roads.

In the first grade, students summarize the need for money, how money is earned, and how money and credit are used in order to meet needs and wants including the costs and benefits of spending and saving. Students define and explain the roles of consumers and producers in the American economy. Students summarize how historic inventors and entrepreneurs contributed to the prosperity of the nation including Samuel F. B. Morse, John Deere, Alexander Graham Bell, Orville and Wilbur Wright, and Thomas Edison.



building glazurkarz ceramic tiles terrakota tile tarakota professional spirit level employee builder worker repair the operator safety business body man factory surveyor the foreman mechanics male tools work the production of the industry industrial development social studies class economics architecture free for commercial use ceramic figures



in collections

Economic Literacy. Social Studies: Grade-2

Economic literacy

Economic Literacy. Social Studies: Grade-1

Economic literacy



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label_outline Explore Spirit Level, The Operator, The Foreman

Abigail Smith Adams [inaugural dress from First Ladies Collection], 9/[3/24]

Model of a Tree-Climbing Ritual

Washington, D.C. Miss Alice Blackwell, an employee of the U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska branch, is checking control point of the base manuscript


[Assignment: 48-DPA-08-03-08_SOI_K_West_Emp] Western Employee Session of the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) International User Conference in San Diego, California, where Secretary Dirk Kempthorne [joined Associate Deputy Secretary James Cason, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Director Mark Myers, Interior Chief Information Officer Michael Howell, and many other Interior representatives] [48-DPA-08-03-08_SOI_K_West_Emp_DOI_5761.JPG]

National Disability Employee Awareness Month Activities

[Unidentified soldier in Union uniform with forage cap in front of American flag]

U.S. Navy Intelligence Specialist 1st Class Scott Torres,

Pre Columbian Storyteller Figure - Art Institute of Chicago

Sacramento, Calif., July 24, 2014 -- FEMA employee Aileen Butler sitting at a booth at the 2014 California State Fair held in Sacramento, CA. Ms. Butler sits at a table with preparedness materials which were handed out to the general public. Along side her is a preparedness disaster wheel in which members of the public spun the wheel, answered a question, and won a give away!

Cadet Martin Benavidez studies between classes while earning his bars to become a second lieutenant through the Air Force ROTC Professional Officer Course-Early Release Program at Southwest Texas State University. Prior to his selection to the program, he served eight years as an Air Force enlisted soldier.(Published in AIRMAN Magazine May 1996 ) Exact Date Shot Unknown

[Assignment: 48-DPA-N_glbt_History_Sem] Seminar on gay history, sponsored by Interior's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Employee Organization (GLOBE) [48-DPA-N_glbt_History_Sem_IMG_4062.JPG]


building glazurkarz ceramic tiles terrakota tile tarakota professional spirit level employee builder worker repair the operator safety business body man factory surveyor the foreman mechanics male tools work the production of the industry industrial development social studies class economics architecture free for commercial use ceramic figures