shi juan, chinese rare book digital collection

13,885 media by topicpage 1 of 139
Yi shuo : shi juan - Public domain medieval manuscript

Yi shuo : shi juan - Public domain medieval manuscript

Ten chapters; in black and red ink; the pages with red ink are based on another Song Dynasty edition; postscripts written by Peng Fang and Li Yizhi in 1224. Ms. Also available in digital form. 九行十八字. Nine lines... More

Shi yi de xiao fang : er shi juan

Shi yi de xiao fang : er shi juan

Also available in digital form. 二十四冊四函. Twenty-four volumes in four cases. 元至正三年建寧路官醫提領陳志刊行本,二十卷. Yuan Dynasty print, by Chen Zhi, Chief Medical Doctor of Jianning Lu, in the year 1343; collection of twenty cha... More

Liu Xiang xin xu pang zhu ping lin : shi juan

Liu Xiang xin xu pang zhu ping lin : shi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. September 18, 1940 580875. In case. 三冊與說苑合裝. 明坊刻本 見岡書堂藏版 左右雙欄 白口 無魚尾 版匡高19.5+4.0寬14.3公分; 補: 署名葉題: "見岡書堂藏版". 下欄六行十七字 註行小字 上欄雙行六字. Lower column,... More

Tang shi zheng sheng : shi juan

Tang shi zheng sheng : shi juan

The original work consisted of twenty-two chapters; this abridged version, compiled and with a preface by Hu Zanzong, includes just ten chapters, and a total of 702 poems. In case. Also available in digital for... More

Shu xu zhi nan : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Shu xu zhi nan : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

The book that appears in 'Si ku zong mu' was based on the version created ca. 1723-1735. Therefore, this book, printed between 1522 and 1566, is likely the oldest version extant. The versions found in 'Yin xuan... More

Yan zheng zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Yan zheng zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. December 20, 1934 LL525384. 八冊二函. Eight volumes in two cases. 明嘉靖間刻本 四周單欄 白口 無魚尾 版匡高18.3寬14.1公分. 八行十七字 註文小字雙行字同. Eight lines, with seventeen ... More

Xin jian jue ke gu jin yuan liu zhi lun hou ji : shi juan

Xin jian jue ke gu jin yuan liu zhi lun hou ji : shi juan

The original edition contained three parts, with ten volumes in each; this edition includes only the last ten chapters. In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of... More

Ouyang Wenzhong gong wen chao : shi juan

Ouyang Wenzhong gong wen chao : shi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 明吳興閔氏朱墨套印本 六冊一函 四周單欄 白口 無魚尾 版匡高20.2寬14.0公分. 八行十八字,朱印眉批雙行五字. Eight lines, with eighteen characters per line; annotations in red ink, i... More

Yuzhou wen ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Yuzhou wen ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

January 6, 1941 600021. 原本八冊二函 . Print copy, eight volumes in two cases. 明嘉靖間刻本 左右雙欄 白口 黑單魚尾 原本版匡高18.1寬13.0公分;補:藏印有"共讀樓藏書記"朱文方印等. 九行二十字. Nine lines, with twenty characters per line. 原題:「欎洲梁儲稿,男次挹,孫孜編輯」。《提要》云:「初... More

Dui lei : er shi juan, fu Xi dui fa meng ge shi yi juan

Dui lei : er shi juan, fu Xi dui fa meng ge shi yi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. January 6, 1947 0477F. 十六冊二函 . Sixteen volumes in two cases. 明萬曆間吳勉學攷註重刻本 左右雙欄 白口 黑單魚尾 匡高22.2寬14.7公分; 補: 鈐印二: "張"朱文方印, "豫生"朱文方印. 十二行二十四字. Twel... More

Gao qi wang shi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Gao qi wang shi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379046. 十冊二函. Ten volumes in two cases. 明萬曆間刻本 版匡高18.1寬12.7公分. 十行二十字. Ten lines, with twenty character... More

Fuping Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Fuping Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 責任者見萬曆十二年劉兌"富平縣新誌叙". 框20.4 x 14.9公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周單邊, 雙黑魚尾. 版心中鐫卷次. 明萬曆間刻本。後印漫漶,模糊之處用朱筆鈔填。因此之故,並非善本. 明劉兌孫丕揚纂修。張正化後序後題:富平縣縣丞趙城高希古 主簿瀘... More

Bei yue miao ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Bei yue miao ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form. 原題:「明賜進士第巡按直隸監察御史扶溝何出光裁撰,直隸廣平府同知吳邑魏學禮編述」,蓋即學禮所撰也。大抵就皇甫澤本而擴充之,然較皇甫本,位加詳盡。是書似刻成於萬曆十八年,而卷內有記三十三年事者,則後來補版也。陳口序 萬曆十八年 (1590). 框23.2 x 16.6公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周雙邊, 單黑魚尾, 版心上鐫書名, 中... More

Da Fo ding ru lai mi yin xiu zheng liao yi zhu pu sa wan xing shou Leng yan jing yao jie : er shi juan

Da Fo ding ru lai mi yin xiu zheng liao yi zhu pu sa wan xing shou Len...

Translated by the Indian monk Pramiti; revised and translated by an Uddiyana monk in the Tang Dynasty; government official Fang Rong then compiled again; Buddhist monk Jiehuan of Kai yuan lian Temple in Wenling... More

Zhu jing pin jie : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Zhu jing pin jie : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 二十四冊四函. Twenty-four volumes in four cases. 明萬曆間刻本 四周單欄 白口 單魚尾 版匡高18.8+2.5寬14.0公分. 下欄九行二十字小字雙行字同 上欄小字雙行四字. Lower column: nine lines, with twent... More

Juan huang li cao : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Juan huang li cao : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

First printed edition; ten chapters. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. October 31, 1939 562936. 十四冊四函. Fourteen volumes in four cases. 明萬曆間刻本 四周單欄 白口 黑單魚尾 版匡高23.2寬14.2 全書高30.1寬... More

Bao yan tang zeng ding du shu jing : shi juan

Bao yan tang zeng ding du shu jing : shi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 明秘笈零本 左右雙欄 白口 白單魚尾 九行十九字 版匡高20.5寬12.3公分. Nine lines with nineteen characters per line. 原題:「雲間陳繼儒著,檇李沈豫昌沈師昌仝校」。自序,沈師昌(序)萬曆二十八年 (1600),范應宮(序).

Diao chong bian : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Diao chong bian : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 八冊兩函. Eight volumes in two cases. 九行二十字. Nine lines, with twenty characters per line. 原題:「馮[yu]馬朴敦若父」。朴字敦若,同州人。按同希府志,朴中萬曆四年丙子科舉人,授景州守以憂去,服闋補易州... More

Huang Ming dian li zhi : er shi juan

Huang Ming dian li zhi : er shi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 八冊二函. Eight volumes in two cases. 明萬曆間刻本 左右雙欄 白口 單魚尾 版匡高21.9寬14.8公分. 十行二十字. Ten lines, with twenty characters per line. 補: 卷一葉一版心題:"談志遠寫刻",他葉無... More

Chu ci : er shi juan, juan shou yi juan

Chu ci : er shi juan, juan shou yi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. September 17, 1940 580875. 是書就朱熹《集註》而廣之,凡分四集。 This book supplements 'Chu ci ji zhu' by Zhu Xi, and was divided into four parts. 八冊二函. Eight vo... More

Xin ding Jiu yu zhi : shi juan, juan shou

Xin ding Jiu yu zhi : shi juan, juan shou

There were two versions of this work in the Song Dynasty: the original version, compiled in ca. 1078-1085, presented to the Emperor, and recorded in the "Si ku quan shu"; and this, the popular version, edited a... More

Dezhou zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Dezhou zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. July 14, 1933 440206. 版本參據《中國地方志聯合目錄》, p. 259 框20.9 x 15.4公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周雙邊, 單黑魚尾. 版心上鐫書名, 中鐫卷次及細目. 康熙十二年金祖彭"重修德州志序". 責任者參據"目錄". 鈐印... More

Shi lin shao hu : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Shi lin shao hu : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 8, 1929 379064. 十一行二十一字, 小字雙行二十一字. Eleven lines, with twenty-one characters per line; small character... More

Taofu ji : shi si juan. Taofu wu yue ji : wu zhong er shi juan

Taofu ji : shi si juan. Taofu wu yue ji : wu zhong er shi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. April 25, 1950. 清乾隆間刻本 全書高27.0寬17.1公分 黃紙. 十一行二十字. Eleven lines, with twenty characters per line. 函脊號647. 1950年4月25日入藏 (另有號碼0653 J, 印章... More

Longchuan Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Longchuan Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Included are inscriptions of former county annals which contain most of the prefaces and postscripts of the former annals as well as the names of the editors; many of these cannot be found in the original editi... More

Xin yu Liang Shimen xian sheng ji : shi juan, juan shou yi juan, juan mo yi juan

Xin yu Liang Shimen xian sheng ji : shi juan, juan shou yi juan, juan ...

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. November 2, 1950 1918G. 清乾隆十五年暨用其訂刊本 義學藏板 左右雙邊 白口 黑單魚尾 版匡高18.6寬14.2公分 黃紙. 十一行二十一字. Eleven lines, with twenty-one characters per line.... More

Lianyang ji : er shi juan, fu lu yi juan

Lianyang ji : er shi juan, fu lu yi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064. 清乾隆三十九年荊圃草堂刻本 左右雙邊 白口 黑單魚尾 匡高21.2寬14.3公分 淡黃紙. 十一行二十三字. Eleven lines, with twenty-thre... More

Nan bu xin shu : shi juan, bu yi yi juan

Nan bu xin shu : shi juan, bu yi yi juan

Qing manuscript handwritten by Cao Yan in 1776, based on a Ming Dynasty woodblock print; postscript by Qingyinlaoren written between 1368 and 1398. 清乾隆四十一年曹炎鈔藏明洪武間清隱老人跋本 左右雙欄 線黑口 黑單魚尾 原本版匡高18.5寬13.4公分. 十一行二十二字... More

Xian qing tang ji : shi juan, fu lu yi juan

Xian qing tang ji : shi juan, fu lu yi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064. 清乾隆刻本 左右雙邊 白口 黑單魚尾 匡高19.1寬12.7公分 淡黃紙. 二冊無函套. 十行二十二字. Ten lines, with twenty-two characters p... More

Li fa hui zuan : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Li fa hui zuan : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. July 5, 1950 1554J. 清小叢山房刻本 四周單邊 白口 無魚尾 版匡高17.9寬11.4公分 黃紙. 六行字不等. Six lines, with a varying number of characters per line. 函脊號 1198 簽... More

Huai tang shi wen gao : er shi juan

Huai tang shi wen gao : er shi juan

Preface by Lu Wenchao addresses the background for printing and publishing this book; preface by Shao Jinhan states that this collection of Wang Hang's poems and essays is abridged, and was compiled in Wang's l... More

Ji gu ge Li ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Ji gu ge Li ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064. At head of title: 御案. 清内府覆刻明崇禎十四年毛晉汲古閣訂正本 左右雙邊 白口 無魚尾 匡高17.1+3.9寬12.9公分 淡黃紙. 下欄九行十七字 ... More

Nü cai zi zhuan : shi juan, shou juan yi juan

Nü cai zi zhuan : shi juan, shou juan yi juan

According to the preface, the essays are based on true events and express the author's perspective on life, with odd stories and anecdotes concerning traditional women, while classic and famous women were not m... More

Yi shuo : shi juan - Public domain medieval manuscript

Yi shuo : shi juan - Public domain medieval manuscript

Ten chapters; in black and red ink; the pages with red ink are based on another Song Dynasty edition; postscripts written by Peng Fang and Li Yizhi in 1224. Ms. Also available in digital form. 九行十八字. Nine lines... More

Shi yi de xiao fang : er shi juan

Shi yi de xiao fang : er shi juan

Also available in digital form. 二十四冊四函. Twenty-four volumes in four cases. 元至正三年建寧路官醫提領陳志刊行本,二十卷. Yuan Dynasty print, by Chen Zhi, Chief Medical Doctor of Jianning Lu, in the year 1343; collection of twenty cha... More

Liu Xiang xin xu pang zhu ping lin : shi juan

Liu Xiang xin xu pang zhu ping lin : shi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. September 18, 1940 580875. In case. 三冊與說苑合裝. 明坊刻本 見岡書堂藏版 左右雙欄 白口 無魚尾 版匡高19.5+4.0寬14.3公分; 補: 署名葉題: "見岡書堂藏版". 下欄六行十七字 註行小字 上欄雙行六字. Lower column,... More

Tang shi zheng sheng : shi juan

Tang shi zheng sheng : shi juan

The original work consisted of twenty-two chapters; this abridged version, compiled and with a preface by Hu Zanzong, includes just ten chapters, and a total of 702 poems. In case. Also available in digital for... More

Shu xu zhi nan : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Shu xu zhi nan : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

The book that appears in 'Si ku zong mu' was based on the version created ca. 1723-1735. Therefore, this book, printed between 1522 and 1566, is likely the oldest version extant. The versions found in 'Yin xuan... More

Yan zheng zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Yan zheng zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. December 20, 1934 LL525384. 八冊二函. Eight volumes in two cases. 明嘉靖間刻本 四周單欄 白口 無魚尾 版匡高18.3寬14.1公分. 八行十七字 註文小字雙行字同. Eight lines, with seventeen ... More

Xin jian jue ke gu jin yuan liu zhi lun hou ji : shi juan

Xin jian jue ke gu jin yuan liu zhi lun hou ji : shi juan

The original edition contained three parts, with ten volumes in each; this edition includes only the last ten chapters. In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of... More

Ouyang Wenzhong gong wen chao : shi juan

Ouyang Wenzhong gong wen chao : shi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 明吳興閔氏朱墨套印本 六冊一函 四周單欄 白口 無魚尾 版匡高20.2寬14.0公分. 八行十八字,朱印眉批雙行五字. Eight lines, with eighteen characters per line; annotations in red ink, i... More

Yuzhou wen ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Yuzhou wen ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

January 6, 1941 600021. 原本八冊二函 . Print copy, eight volumes in two cases. 明嘉靖間刻本 左右雙欄 白口 黑單魚尾 原本版匡高18.1寬13.0公分;補:藏印有"共讀樓藏書記"朱文方印等. 九行二十字. Nine lines, with twenty characters per line. 原題:「欎洲梁儲稿,男次挹,孫孜編輯」。《提要》云:「初... More

Dui lei : er shi juan, fu Xi dui fa meng ge shi yi juan

Dui lei : er shi juan, fu Xi dui fa meng ge shi yi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. January 6, 1947 0477F. 十六冊二函 . Sixteen volumes in two cases. 明萬曆間吳勉學攷註重刻本 左右雙欄 白口 黑單魚尾 匡高22.2寬14.7公分; 補: 鈐印二: "張"朱文方印, "豫生"朱文方印. 十二行二十四字. Twel... More

Gao qi wang shi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Gao qi wang shi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379046. 十冊二函. Ten volumes in two cases. 明萬曆間刻本 版匡高18.1寬12.7公分. 十行二十字. Ten lines, with twenty character... More

Fuping Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Fuping Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 責任者見萬曆十二年劉兌"富平縣新誌叙". 框20.4 x 14.9公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周單邊, 雙黑魚尾. 版心中鐫卷次. 明萬曆間刻本。後印漫漶,模糊之處用朱筆鈔填。因此之故,並非善本. 明劉兌孫丕揚纂修。張正化後序後題:富平縣縣丞趙城高希古 主簿瀘... More

Bei yue miao ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Bei yue miao ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form. 原題:「明賜進士第巡按直隸監察御史扶溝何出光裁撰,直隸廣平府同知吳邑魏學禮編述」,蓋即學禮所撰也。大抵就皇甫澤本而擴充之,然較皇甫本,位加詳盡。是書似刻成於萬曆十八年,而卷內有記三十三年事者,則後來補版也。陳口序 萬曆十八年 (1590). 框23.2 x 16.6公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周雙邊, 單黑魚尾, 版心上鐫書名, 中... More

Zhu jing pin jie : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Zhu jing pin jie : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 二十四冊四函. Twenty-four volumes in four cases. 明萬曆間刻本 四周單欄 白口 單魚尾 版匡高18.8+2.5寬14.0公分. 下欄九行二十字小字雙行字同 上欄小字雙行四字. Lower column: nine lines, with twent... More

Da Fo ding ru lai mi yin xiu zheng liao yi zhu pu sa wan xing shou Leng yan jing yao jie : er shi juan

Da Fo ding ru lai mi yin xiu zheng liao yi zhu pu sa wan xing shou Len...

Translated by the Indian monk Pramiti; revised and translated by an Uddiyana monk in the Tang Dynasty; government official Fang Rong then compiled again; Buddhist monk Jiehuan of Kai yuan lian Temple in Wenling... More

Bao yan tang zeng ding du shu jing : shi juan

Bao yan tang zeng ding du shu jing : shi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 明秘笈零本 左右雙欄 白口 白單魚尾 九行十九字 版匡高20.5寬12.3公分. Nine lines with nineteen characters per line. 原題:「雲間陳繼儒著,檇李沈豫昌沈師昌仝校」。自序,沈師昌(序)萬曆二十八年 (1600),范應宮(序).

Juan huang li cao : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Juan huang li cao : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

First printed edition; ten chapters. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. October 31, 1939 562936. 十四冊四函. Fourteen volumes in four cases. 明萬曆間刻本 四周單欄 白口 黑單魚尾 版匡高23.2寬14.2 全書高30.1寬... More

Diao chong bian : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Diao chong bian : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 八冊兩函. Eight volumes in two cases. 九行二十字. Nine lines, with twenty characters per line. 原題:「馮[yu]馬朴敦若父」。朴字敦若,同州人。按同希府志,朴中萬曆四年丙子科舉人,授景州守以憂去,服闋補易州... More

Huang Ming dian li zhi : er shi juan

Huang Ming dian li zhi : er shi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 八冊二函. Eight volumes in two cases. 明萬曆間刻本 左右雙欄 白口 單魚尾 版匡高21.9寬14.8公分. 十行二十字. Ten lines, with twenty characters per line. 補: 卷一葉一版心題:"談志遠寫刻",他葉無... More

Chu ci : er shi juan, juan shou yi juan

Chu ci : er shi juan, juan shou yi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. September 17, 1940 580875. 是書就朱熹《集註》而廣之,凡分四集。 This book supplements 'Chu ci ji zhu' by Zhu Xi, and was divided into four parts. 八冊二函. Eight vo... More

Xin ding Jiu yu zhi : shi juan, juan shou

Xin ding Jiu yu zhi : shi juan, juan shou

There were two versions of this work in the Song Dynasty: the original version, compiled in ca. 1078-1085, presented to the Emperor, and recorded in the "Si ku quan shu"; and this, the popular version, edited a... More

Dezhou zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Dezhou zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. July 14, 1933 440206. 版本參據《中國地方志聯合目錄》, p. 259 框20.9 x 15.4公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周雙邊, 單黑魚尾. 版心上鐫書名, 中鐫卷次及細目. 康熙十二年金祖彭"重修德州志序". 責任者參據"目錄". 鈐印... More

Shi lin shao hu : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Shi lin shao hu : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 8, 1929 379064. 十一行二十一字, 小字雙行二十一字. Eleven lines, with twenty-one characters per line; small character... More

Taofu ji : shi si juan. Taofu wu yue ji : wu zhong er shi juan

Taofu ji : shi si juan. Taofu wu yue ji : wu zhong er shi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. April 25, 1950. 清乾隆間刻本 全書高27.0寬17.1公分 黃紙. 十一行二十字. Eleven lines, with twenty characters per line. 函脊號647. 1950年4月25日入藏 (另有號碼0653 J, 印章... More

Longchuan Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Longchuan Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Included are inscriptions of former county annals which contain most of the prefaces and postscripts of the former annals as well as the names of the editors; many of these cannot be found in the original editi... More

Xin yu Liang Shimen xian sheng ji : shi juan, juan shou yi juan, juan mo yi juan

Xin yu Liang Shimen xian sheng ji : shi juan, juan shou yi juan, juan ...

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. November 2, 1950 1918G. 清乾隆十五年暨用其訂刊本 義學藏板 左右雙邊 白口 黑單魚尾 版匡高18.6寬14.2公分 黃紙. 十一行二十一字. Eleven lines, with twenty-one characters per line.... More

Lianyang ji : er shi juan, fu lu yi juan

Lianyang ji : er shi juan, fu lu yi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064. 清乾隆三十九年荊圃草堂刻本 左右雙邊 白口 黑單魚尾 匡高21.2寬14.3公分 淡黃紙. 十一行二十三字. Eleven lines, with twenty-thre... More

Nan bu xin shu : shi juan, bu yi yi juan

Nan bu xin shu : shi juan, bu yi yi juan

Qing manuscript handwritten by Cao Yan in 1776, based on a Ming Dynasty woodblock print; postscript by Qingyinlaoren written between 1368 and 1398. 清乾隆四十一年曹炎鈔藏明洪武間清隱老人跋本 左右雙欄 線黑口 黑單魚尾 原本版匡高18.5寬13.4公分. 十一行二十二字... More

Xian qing tang ji : shi juan, fu lu yi juan

Xian qing tang ji : shi juan, fu lu yi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064. 清乾隆刻本 左右雙邊 白口 黑單魚尾 匡高19.1寬12.7公分 淡黃紙. 二冊無函套. 十行二十二字. Ten lines, with twenty-two characters p... More

Li fa hui zuan : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Li fa hui zuan : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. July 5, 1950 1554J. 清小叢山房刻本 四周單邊 白口 無魚尾 版匡高17.9寬11.4公分 黃紙. 六行字不等. Six lines, with a varying number of characters per line. 函脊號 1198 簽... More

Huai tang shi wen gao : er shi juan

Huai tang shi wen gao : er shi juan

Preface by Lu Wenchao addresses the background for printing and publishing this book; preface by Shao Jinhan states that this collection of Wang Hang's poems and essays is abridged, and was compiled in Wang's l... More

Ji gu ge Li ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Ji gu ge Li ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064. At head of title: 御案. 清内府覆刻明崇禎十四年毛晉汲古閣訂正本 左右雙邊 白口 無魚尾 匡高17.1+3.9寬12.9公分 淡黃紙. 下欄九行十七字 ... More

Nü cai zi zhuan : shi juan, shou juan yi juan

Nü cai zi zhuan : shi juan, shou juan yi juan

According to the preface, the essays are based on true events and express the author's perspective on life, with odd stories and anecdotes concerning traditional women, while classic and famous women were not m... More

Yi shuo : shi juan - Public domain medieval manuscript

Yi shuo : shi juan - Public domain medieval manuscript

Ten chapters; in black and red ink; the pages with red ink are based on another Song Dynasty edition; postscripts written by Peng Fang and Li Yizhi in 1224. Ms. Also available in digital form. 九行十八字. Nine lines... More

Shi yi de xiao fang : er shi juan

Shi yi de xiao fang : er shi juan

Also available in digital form. 二十四冊四函. Twenty-four volumes in four cases. 元至正三年建寧路官醫提領陳志刊行本,二十卷. Yuan Dynasty print, by Chen Zhi, Chief Medical Doctor of Jianning Lu, in the year 1343; collection of twenty cha... More

Liu Xiang xin xu pang zhu ping lin : shi juan

Liu Xiang xin xu pang zhu ping lin : shi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. September 18, 1940 580875. In case. 三冊與說苑合裝. 明坊刻本 見岡書堂藏版 左右雙欄 白口 無魚尾 版匡高19.5+4.0寬14.3公分; 補: 署名葉題: "見岡書堂藏版". 下欄六行十七字 註行小字 上欄雙行六字. Lower column,... More

Tang shi zheng sheng : shi juan

Tang shi zheng sheng : shi juan

The original work consisted of twenty-two chapters; this abridged version, compiled and with a preface by Hu Zanzong, includes just ten chapters, and a total of 702 poems. In case. Also available in digital for... More

Shu xu zhi nan : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Shu xu zhi nan : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

The book that appears in 'Si ku zong mu' was based on the version created ca. 1723-1735. Therefore, this book, printed between 1522 and 1566, is likely the oldest version extant. The versions found in 'Yin xuan... More

Yan zheng zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Yan zheng zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. December 20, 1934 LL525384. 八冊二函. Eight volumes in two cases. 明嘉靖間刻本 四周單欄 白口 無魚尾 版匡高18.3寬14.1公分. 八行十七字 註文小字雙行字同. Eight lines, with seventeen ... More

Xin jian jue ke gu jin yuan liu zhi lun hou ji : shi juan

Xin jian jue ke gu jin yuan liu zhi lun hou ji : shi juan

The original edition contained three parts, with ten volumes in each; this edition includes only the last ten chapters. In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of... More

Ouyang Wenzhong gong wen chao : shi juan

Ouyang Wenzhong gong wen chao : shi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 明吳興閔氏朱墨套印本 六冊一函 四周單欄 白口 無魚尾 版匡高20.2寬14.0公分. 八行十八字,朱印眉批雙行五字. Eight lines, with eighteen characters per line; annotations in red ink, i... More

Yuzhou wen ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Yuzhou wen ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

January 6, 1941 600021. 原本八冊二函 . Print copy, eight volumes in two cases. 明嘉靖間刻本 左右雙欄 白口 黑單魚尾 原本版匡高18.1寬13.0公分;補:藏印有"共讀樓藏書記"朱文方印等. 九行二十字. Nine lines, with twenty characters per line. 原題:「欎洲梁儲稿,男次挹,孫孜編輯」。《提要》云:「初... More

Dui lei : er shi juan, fu Xi dui fa meng ge shi yi juan

Dui lei : er shi juan, fu Xi dui fa meng ge shi yi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. January 6, 1947 0477F. 十六冊二函 . Sixteen volumes in two cases. 明萬曆間吳勉學攷註重刻本 左右雙欄 白口 黑單魚尾 匡高22.2寬14.7公分; 補: 鈐印二: "張"朱文方印, "豫生"朱文方印. 十二行二十四字. Twel... More

Gao qi wang shi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Gao qi wang shi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379046. 十冊二函. Ten volumes in two cases. 明萬曆間刻本 版匡高18.1寬12.7公分. 十行二十字. Ten lines, with twenty character... More

Fuping Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Fuping Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 責任者見萬曆十二年劉兌"富平縣新誌叙". 框20.4 x 14.9公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周單邊, 雙黑魚尾. 版心中鐫卷次. 明萬曆間刻本。後印漫漶,模糊之處用朱筆鈔填。因此之故,並非善本. 明劉兌孫丕揚纂修。張正化後序後題:富平縣縣丞趙城高希古 主簿瀘... More

Bei yue miao ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Bei yue miao ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form. 原題:「明賜進士第巡按直隸監察御史扶溝何出光裁撰,直隸廣平府同知吳邑魏學禮編述」,蓋即學禮所撰也。大抵就皇甫澤本而擴充之,然較皇甫本,位加詳盡。是書似刻成於萬曆十八年,而卷內有記三十三年事者,則後來補版也。陳口序 萬曆十八年 (1590). 框23.2 x 16.6公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周雙邊, 單黑魚尾, 版心上鐫書名, 中... More

Da Fo ding ru lai mi yin xiu zheng liao yi zhu pu sa wan xing shou Leng yan jing yao jie : er shi juan

Da Fo ding ru lai mi yin xiu zheng liao yi zhu pu sa wan xing shou Len...

Translated by the Indian monk Pramiti; revised and translated by an Uddiyana monk in the Tang Dynasty; government official Fang Rong then compiled again; Buddhist monk Jiehuan of Kai yuan lian Temple in Wenling... More

Zhu jing pin jie : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Zhu jing pin jie : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 二十四冊四函. Twenty-four volumes in four cases. 明萬曆間刻本 四周單欄 白口 單魚尾 版匡高18.8+2.5寬14.0公分. 下欄九行二十字小字雙行字同 上欄小字雙行四字. Lower column: nine lines, with twent... More

Juan huang li cao : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Juan huang li cao : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

First printed edition; ten chapters. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. October 31, 1939 562936. 十四冊四函. Fourteen volumes in four cases. 明萬曆間刻本 四周單欄 白口 黑單魚尾 版匡高23.2寬14.2 全書高30.1寬... More

Bao yan tang zeng ding du shu jing : shi juan

Bao yan tang zeng ding du shu jing : shi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 明秘笈零本 左右雙欄 白口 白單魚尾 九行十九字 版匡高20.5寬12.3公分. Nine lines with nineteen characters per line. 原題:「雲間陳繼儒著,檇李沈豫昌沈師昌仝校」。自序,沈師昌(序)萬曆二十八年 (1600),范應宮(序).

Diao chong bian : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Diao chong bian : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 八冊兩函. Eight volumes in two cases. 九行二十字. Nine lines, with twenty characters per line. 原題:「馮[yu]馬朴敦若父」。朴字敦若,同州人。按同希府志,朴中萬曆四年丙子科舉人,授景州守以憂去,服闋補易州... More

Huang Ming dian li zhi : er shi juan

Huang Ming dian li zhi : er shi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. 八冊二函. Eight volumes in two cases. 明萬曆間刻本 左右雙欄 白口 單魚尾 版匡高21.9寬14.8公分. 十行二十字. Ten lines, with twenty characters per line. 補: 卷一葉一版心題:"談志遠寫刻",他葉無... More

Chu ci : er shi juan, juan shou yi juan

Chu ci : er shi juan, juan shou yi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. September 17, 1940 580875. 是書就朱熹《集註》而廣之,凡分四集。 This book supplements 'Chu ci ji zhu' by Zhu Xi, and was divided into four parts. 八冊二函. Eight vo... More

Xin ding Jiu yu zhi : shi juan, juan shou

Xin ding Jiu yu zhi : shi juan, juan shou

There were two versions of this work in the Song Dynasty: the original version, compiled in ca. 1078-1085, presented to the Emperor, and recorded in the "Si ku quan shu"; and this, the popular version, edited a... More

Dezhou zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Dezhou zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. July 14, 1933 440206. 版本參據《中國地方志聯合目錄》, p. 259 框20.9 x 15.4公分, 9行20字, 白口, 四周雙邊, 單黑魚尾. 版心上鐫書名, 中鐫卷次及細目. 康熙十二年金祖彭"重修德州志序". 責任者參據"目錄". 鈐印... More

Shi lin shao hu : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Shi lin shao hu : er shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 8, 1929 379064. 十一行二十一字, 小字雙行二十一字. Eleven lines, with twenty-one characters per line; small character... More

Taofu ji : shi si juan. Taofu wu yue ji : wu zhong er shi juan

Taofu ji : shi si juan. Taofu wu yue ji : wu zhong er shi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. April 25, 1950. 清乾隆間刻本 全書高27.0寬17.1公分 黃紙. 十一行二十字. Eleven lines, with twenty characters per line. 函脊號647. 1950年4月25日入藏 (另有號碼0653 J, 印章... More

Longchuan Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Longchuan Xian zhi : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Included are inscriptions of former county annals which contain most of the prefaces and postscripts of the former annals as well as the names of the editors; many of these cannot be found in the original editi... More

Xin yu Liang Shimen xian sheng ji : shi juan, juan shou yi juan, juan mo yi juan

Xin yu Liang Shimen xian sheng ji : shi juan, juan shou yi juan, juan ...

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. November 2, 1950 1918G. 清乾隆十五年暨用其訂刊本 義學藏板 左右雙邊 白口 黑單魚尾 版匡高18.6寬14.2公分 黃紙. 十一行二十一字. Eleven lines, with twenty-one characters per line.... More

Lianyang ji : er shi juan, fu lu yi juan

Lianyang ji : er shi juan, fu lu yi juan

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064. 清乾隆三十九年荊圃草堂刻本 左右雙邊 白口 黑單魚尾 匡高21.2寬14.3公分 淡黃紙. 十一行二十三字. Eleven lines, with twenty-thre... More

Nan bu xin shu : shi juan, bu yi yi juan

Nan bu xin shu : shi juan, bu yi yi juan

Qing manuscript handwritten by Cao Yan in 1776, based on a Ming Dynasty woodblock print; postscript by Qingyinlaoren written between 1368 and 1398. 清乾隆四十一年曹炎鈔藏明洪武間清隱老人跋本 左右雙欄 線黑口 黑單魚尾 原本版匡高18.5寬13.4公分. 十一行二十二字... More

Xian qing tang ji : shi juan, fu lu yi juan

Xian qing tang ji : shi juan, fu lu yi juan

Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064. 清乾隆刻本 左右雙邊 白口 黑單魚尾 匡高19.1寬12.7公分 淡黃紙. 二冊無函套. 十行二十二字. Ten lines, with twenty-two characters p... More

Li fa hui zuan : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Li fa hui zuan : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. July 5, 1950 1554J. 清小叢山房刻本 四周單邊 白口 無魚尾 版匡高17.9寬11.4公分 黃紙. 六行字不等. Six lines, with a varying number of characters per line. 函脊號 1198 簽... More

Huai tang shi wen gao : er shi juan

Huai tang shi wen gao : er shi juan

Preface by Lu Wenchao addresses the background for printing and publishing this book; preface by Shao Jinhan states that this collection of Wang Hang's poems and essays is abridged, and was compiled in Wang's l... More

Ji gu ge Li ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

Ji gu ge Li ji : shi juan - Chinese rare book collection, LOC

In case. Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site. Collection of Wang Shunan April 3, 1929 379064. At head of title: 御案. 清内府覆刻明崇禎十四年毛晉汲古閣訂正本 左右雙邊 白口 無魚尾 匡高17.1+3.9寬12.9公分 淡黃紙. 下欄九行十七字 ... More

Nü cai zi zhuan : shi juan, shou juan yi juan

Nü cai zi zhuan : shi juan, shou juan yi juan

According to the preface, the essays are based on true events and express the author's perspective on life, with odd stories and anecdotes concerning traditional women, while classic and famous women were not m... More

Yi shuo : shi juan - Public domain medieval manuscript

Yi shuo : shi juan - Public domain medieval manuscript

Ten chapters; in black and red ink; the pages with red ink are based on another Song Dynasty edition; postscripts written by Peng Fang and Li Yizhi in 1224. Ms. Also available in digital form. 九行十八字. Nine lines... More


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