Xin ding Jiu yu zhi : shi juan, juan shou


Xin ding Jiu yu zhi : shi juan, juan shou



There were two versions of this work in the Song Dynasty: the original version, compiled in ca. 1078-1085, presented to the Emperor, and recorded in the "Si ku quan shu"; and this, the popular version, edited and with supplements in ca. 1107-1110 (and not presented to the Emperor).
In case.
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
鈔本 無版匡欄格 白口 全書高27.9寬18.5公分 10行22字.
原題:「承議郎知制誥同修國史同判太常寺兼禮儀事判秘閣秘書省兼詳定郊廟奉祀禮文上騎都都尉丹陽縣開國子食邑三百戶賜紫金魚袋臣王存等奉聖旨删定」。按是書宋時有兩本,一為元豐間原修本,《四庫全書》據兩江總督採進本著錄(總目卷六十八);一為大觀以後續修未經進呈之本,晁公武稱為新本,朱彝尊謂為民間流行之書者,是也,四庫館臣別依汪啟淑家藏本載入《存目》卷七十二。《提要》記原修本云:「此為明毛晉影鈔宋刻,後藏徐乾學傳是樓中。字畫清朗,譌闕亦少,惟佚其第十卷,今以蘇州朱煥家鈔本補之,仍首尾完具。」又記新定本云:「首卷四京及京東東路俱已闕,次卷亦有譌脫,朱彝尊曾見崑山徐氏家藏宋槧本,所記闕文與此本同,蓋即從徐氏錄出者。」是徐乾學並有其書,不知《傳是樓書目》何以不載也。馮集梧校刻《元豐九域志》,蓋即從毛氏影鈔本轉錄上版。馮氏云:「又有嘉定王氏本,與浙本多同,惟首無闕卷。」按浙本謂汪啟淑藏新定本,新定本失去四京及京東東路,而王本不闕也。然則王本似當在徐藏宋槧本上矣。今按此本書題作:「新定九域志」,卷內有:「白堤錢聽默經眼」印記,卷一始西路,別有首卷一卷,載四京及京東東路,疑馮氏所見王本,首無闕卷者,即此本也。然覈其內容,首卷有王存題銜,與元豐本同;川軍監縣下不記「古跡」,亦與元豐本同,是以元豐本所存,補新定本所佚,改書題為新定,文字則元豐,無知妄作,非大雅所應為也。《提要》又據張[hao]《雲谷雜記》稱,南渡後閩中刻《九域志》,誤改睦州為嚴州,驗以毛鈔元豐本,正作睦州,而汪啟淑藏新定本,則改為嚴州矣。馮集梧釋云:「據此則張[hao]所見者,乃正今之浙本(按即汪本)。然今本標首稱 《新定九域志》,其義故可兩存也。」集梧蓋謂宣和中改睦州為嚴州,而新定本纂於大觀、宣和間,刻於宣和以後,睦州固可作嚴州矣。元豐本作睦州,新定本作嚴州,皆是也。今按此本除首卷外,固均出於新定本也,而卷五之嚴州乃作睦州,是必為鈔者據元豐本所改,可斷言也.

Si Ku Quan Shu (四库全书) is a massive Chinese encyclopaedia compiled during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). It was commissioned by Emperor Qianlong in 1772 and completed in 1782. The encyclopaedia contains over 3,000 works in 36,000 volumes and covers a wide range of subjects including history, literature, philosophy, science and medicine. The Si Ku Quan Shu is considered one of the most important works of Chinese literature and is a valuable resource for scholars and researchers studying Chinese history and culture. The Si Ku Quan Shu was compiled by over 3,800 scholars and editors who worked on the project for over a decade. The encyclopaedia is divided into four sections: Classics, History, Philosophy and Literature. Each category is further divided into sub-categories such as Confucian classics, imperial edicts and poetry. The Si Ku Quan Shu also includes a comprehensive index system that allows the reader to easily locate specific information within the volumes. The Si Ku Quan Shu was not widely available to the public until the early 20th century, when it was printed in a limited edition. Today, digital versions of the encyclopaedia are available online, making it more accessible to scholars and researchers around the world. The Si Ku Quan Shu is not only a valuable resource for the study of Chinese history and culture, but also reflects the intellectual and cultural achievements of the Qing Dynasty. Its compilation was a monumental undertaking, requiring the collaboration of thousands of scholars and editors, and its contents provide insight into the political, social and cultural context of the time.







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