court dress of the ming dynasty

23 media by topicpage 1 of 1
Liu Ji - A drawing of a man with a sword

Liu Ji - A drawing of a man with a sword

Liu Ji(劉基, 1311 -1375) was a Chinese military strategist, officer, statesman and poet of the late Yuan and early Ming dynasty.

韩邦问 - people of the Ming dynasty

韩邦问 - people of the Ming dynasty


Chen Jingzong - people of the Ming dynasty

Chen Jingzong - people of the Ming dynasty

Chen Jingzong, politician of the Ming Dynsaty. 中文:陈敬宗(1377年-1459年),字光世。浙江承宣布政使司明州府慈谿县(今浙江宁波慈溪)人。明朝政治人物。

Liu Zongzhou - people of the Ming dynasty

Liu Zongzhou - people of the Ming dynasty

Liu Zongzhou, philosopher and writer of late Ming Dynasty. 中文:刘宗周(1578年-1645年),初名宪章,字起东,号念台,后人称其为蕺山先生。山阴(今浙江绍兴)人。明末著名哲学家、文学家,“浙东学派”的重要代表人物之一。

Qiu Jun - people of the Ming dynasty

Qiu Jun - people of the Ming dynasty

Qiu Jun, politician of the Ming Dynasty. 中文:丘浚(1421年-1495年),字仲深,号深庵、玉峰、琼山,别号海山老人,琼山府城镇下田村(今金花村)人。明朝政治人物,官至文渊阁大学士。

Qu Shisi - people of the Ming dynasty

Qu Shisi - people of the Ming dynasty

中文:瞿式耜(耜,音sì/ㄙˋ,1590年-1651年1月8日),字起田,又字伯略,号稼轩,明末政治人物、诗人。南直隶常熟县(今江苏省常熟市)人。 English: Qu Shisi, politician of the Ming Dynasty.

Wang Zhi - people of the Ming dynasty

Wang Zhi - people of the Ming dynasty

中文:王直(1379年-1462年),字行俭,别号抑庵,明朝政治人物、文学家,江西承宣布政使司泰和县人。 English: Wang Zhi, politician of the Ming Dynasty.

Xuan Ni - people of the Ming dynasty

Xuan Ni - people of the Ming dynasty

Xuan Ni, politician of the Ming Dynasty. 中文:轩𫐐(?-1464年),字惟行。河南承宣布政使司鹿邑县人。明朝著名廉官,《明史》称其“清操闻天下,与耿九畴齐名,语廉吏必曰轩、耿。”

Yansong 2 - people of the Ming dynasty

Yansong 2 - people of the Ming dynasty

中文:嚴嵩(1480年3月3日-1567年5月29日),字惟中,號介溪,江西分宜人,祖籍福建邵武,明朝權臣。 孝宗弘治十八年(1505年)進士,改翰林院庶吉士,授翰林院編修,旋病休歸里。嚴嵩讀書八載,詩文峻潔,聲名始著。武宗正德十一年(1516年),還朝復官。世宗嘉靖七年(1528年),奉命祭告顯陵,歸而極言祥瑞,世宗喜。幾年內先後遷其為吏部右侍郎,進南京禮部尚書,兩年後改任吏部尚書。嘉靖十五年(1536年),以賀萬... More

五世追贈臨淮候像 - Public domain portrait painting

五世追贈臨淮候像 - Public domain portrait painting

中文(香港): 明代寫實容像 Public domain photograph of 15th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain photograph of 14th-century painting, free to use, no copyright... More

夏言 - people of the Ming dynasty

夏言 - people of the Ming dynasty

Xia Yan, politician of the Ming Dynasty. 中文:夏言(1482年-1548年),字公谨,号桂洲,谥文愍,江西贵溪人。明朝政治人物。

李璿像 - Public domain portrait painting

李璿像 - Public domain portrait painting

中文(香港): 明代寫實容像 Public domain photograph of 15th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

王守仁容像 - A painting of a man in a red robe holding a piece of paper

王守仁容像 - A painting of a man in a red robe holding a piece of paper

中文(香港): 明代寫實容像 Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

胡思伸 - people of the Ming dynasty

胡思伸 - people of the Ming dynasty

Hu Sishen, politician of the Ming Dynasty. 中文:胡思伸(?-?),字君直,号充寰,徽州绩溪(今属安徽省)人 ,明朝官员。 胡思伸为万历二十三年(1508年)科三甲进士。官至山东左布政使。

貞靜公朝服像 - Public domain portrait painting

貞靜公朝服像 - Public domain portrait painting

中文(香港): 明代寫實容像,翟期古,山西聞喜縣人。

Sheng Yingqi - people of the Ming dynasty

Sheng Yingqi - people of the Ming dynasty


Sun Shimei - A painting of a man with a sword

Sun Shimei - A painting of a man with a sword


Xia Yuanji - people of the Ming dynasty

Xia Yuanji - people of the Ming dynasty

中文(简体): 夏原吉,明朝政治人物

周宗建 - A black and white drawing of a man holding a pipe

周宗建 - A black and white drawing of a man holding a pipe

中文:周宗建(1582年-1625年),字季侯,號來玉。直隸蘇州府吳江縣(今江蘇吳江市)人,明末東林七賢之一。 English: Zhou Zongjian

楊洪 - people of the Ming dynasty

楊洪 - people of the Ming dynasty

中文:颖国武襄公杨洪像1451年220 x 127.5 公分

瞿景淳 - people of the Ming dynasty

瞿景淳 - people of the Ming dynasty

中文:瞿景淳(1507年-1569年),字師道,號昆湖。南直隸常熟縣(今常熟市)五渠人。明朝學者、政治人物。榜眼及第。 English: Qu Jingchun

董其昌 (cropped) - A drawing of a man with a sword

董其昌 (cropped) - A drawing of a man with a sword

中文:董其昌(1555年-1636年),字玄宰,號思白、思翁,別號香光居士,直隸華亭縣(今上海松江)人。明朝政治人物、書畫家。 English: Dong Qichang

董其昌 - A drawing of a man dressed in traditional clothing

董其昌 - A drawing of a man dressed in traditional clothing

中文:董其昌(1555年-1636年),字玄宰,號思白、思翁,別號香光居士,直隸華亭縣(今上海松江)人。明朝政治人物、書畫家。 English: Dong Qichang