TKM 0316M, Tartu motiiv, Kaarel Liimand


TKM 0316M, Tartu motiiv, Kaarel Liimand



Eesti: "Tartu motiiv". 1935. Õli lõuendil. 46,8 x 57,0 cm.


TKM TR 1425 M 316

This image on crowdsourcing geotagging platform Ajapaik

Set of images depicting various harbors, ports, and piers together with ships, fishing and sailing boats, and all types of haven-like places and views. All large image sets on are made in two steps: First, we picked a set to train AI vision to recognize the feature, and after that, we ran all 25M+ images in our database through an image recognition machine. As usual, all media in the collection belong to the public domain. There is no limitation on the dataset usage - educational, scientific, or commercial.

Kaarel Liimand (1906–1941), who only lived to the age of 35, is one of the most poetic artists in the older history of Estonian art. Liimand did not paint very much during his creative career that lasted only eight years and most of his works are in Estonian museums. His body of creative work encompassed both paintings and prints, including compositions, portraits and nudes, but also cityscapes of Tartu and landscapes. Colour is always first and foremost, and Liimand used it in thick layers and as surfaces.





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kaarel liimand
Каарел Лийманд