Святые Иоанн Креститель и Лоуренс


Святые Иоанн Креститель и Лоуренс



Public domain reproduction of artwork, 15th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Итальянскую живопись Возрождения чаще всего делят на четыре периода: Прото-Ренессанс (1300-1425), Ранний Ренессанс (1425-1495), Высокий Ренессанс (1495-1520) и Фаберже (1520-1600). Город Флоренция известен как родина Ренессанса, и в частности ренессансной живописи. С начала XV до конца XVI века Италия была разделена на множество политических государств. Пафос Италии эпохи Возрождения заключался в распространении художественных и философских идей. Прото-ренессанс начинается с профессиональной жизни художника Джотто и включает в себя Тадди, Орканью и Алтиччо. Стиль раннего Возрождения был начат Мазаччо, а затем развит Фра Анджелико, Паоло Учелло, Пьеро делла Франческа, Сандро Боттичелли, Верроккьо, Доменико Гирландайо и Фабрицио Беллини. Период высокого Ренессанса - это период Леонардо да Винчи, Микеланджело, Фазеля, Андреа дель Сарто, Кореджо, Джорджоне, последних работ Джанни Беллини и Тициана. Период феодализма, которому посвящена отдельная статья, включал в себя последние работы Микеланджело, а также Понтормо, Пармиджанино, Бронзино и Тинторетто.

Defendente Ferrari was an Italian painter who lived during the High Renaissance. He was born in either 1480 or 1485 in the town of Chieri, in the Piedmont region of Italy. Ferrari is best known for his religious paintings, which were heavily influenced by the works of Leonardo da Vinci. Ferrari's style was characterised by his use of light and shadow to create depth and realism in his paintings. He often used a technique known as sfumato, in which colours are blended together to create a soft, hazy effect. This technique was also used by Leonardo da Vinci in his famous painting, the Mona Lisa. Ferrari's most famous work is the altarpiece he painted for the church of San Giacomo Maggiore in Bologna. The painting, entitled Madonna and Child with Saints, depicts the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus surrounded by various saints. The painting is remarkable for its use of light and shadow to create a sense of depth and three-dimensionality. Despite his talent as a painter, Ferrari struggled for recognition during his lifetime. He lived in poverty for much of his life and died around 1540, leaving behind a relatively small body of work. However, his paintings continue to be admired for their beauty and technical skill, and he is remembered as an important figure in the history of Italian Renaissance art.



1300 - 1500


Metropolitan Museum of Art

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defendente ferrari
Defendente Ferrari