[Римские солдаты с триумфом несут трофеи]


[Римские солдаты с триумфом несут трофеи]



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Барча, 13.
Бывший. колл .: Марочетти (Лугт, 392).
Коллекция Хаббарда.

Ренессансное представление классических руин было символом древности, просвещения и утраченных знаний. Руины говорили с течением времени. Самым большим предметом для развалин художников были заросшие и разваливающиеся руины классического Рима. Форум и Колизей, Пантеон и Аппиева дорога. Изначально художественные представления Рима были реалистичными, но вскоре воображение художников взлетело. Римские руины были разбросаны по городу, но разочарованные художники начали размещать их в более приятных местах. Каприччио - это стиль воображаемых сцен зданий и руин.

Early Renaissance or Quattrocento (Italian mille quattrocento, or 1400) refers to the 15th century in Florentine art. Extraordinary wealth was accumulated in Florence among a growing middle and upper class of merchants and bankers. Florence saw itself as a city-state where the freedom of the individual was guaranteed, and where a significant share of residents had the right to participate in the government. In 1400 Florence was engaged in a struggle with the Duke of Milan. Then, between 1408 and 1414 again, by the King of Naples. Both died before they could conquer Florence. In 1425 Florence won the war against Milan. The Florentine interpreted these victories as signs of God's favor and imagined themselves as the "New Rome". In this new optimistic and wealthy environment, Florentine artists immersed themselves in studies of the humanities, architecture, philosophy, theology, mathematics, science, and design. They spurred a rejuvenation of the glories of classical art in line with the humanistic and individualistic tendencies of the contemporary era. Quattrocento was followed by the High Renaissance, North European Renaissance, Mannerism, and Baroque periods. Unlike the previous proto-renaissances, the innovations that emerged in Florence would go on to cause reverberations in Italy and Northern Europe, which continue to influence culture until today.



1400 - 1500


Mantegna, Andrea, 1431-1506, artist


Library of Congress



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