Angel with Harp, tempera, page of illuminated manuscript


Angel with Harp, tempera, page of illuminated manuscript



Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Итальянскую живопись Возрождения чаще всего делят на четыре периода: Прото-Ренессанс (1300-1425), Ранний Ренессанс (1425-1495), Высокий Ренессанс (1495-1520) и Фаберже (1520-1600). Город Флоренция известен как родина Ренессанса, и в частности ренессансной живописи. С начала XV до конца XVI века Италия была разделена на множество политических государств. Пафос Италии эпохи Возрождения заключался в распространении художественных и философских идей. Прото-ренессанс начинается с профессиональной жизни художника Джотто и включает в себя Тадди, Орканью и Алтиччо. Стиль раннего Возрождения был начат Мазаччо, а затем развит Фра Анджелико, Паоло Учелло, Пьеро делла Франческа, Сандро Боттичелли, Верроккьо, Доменико Гирландайо и Фабрицио Беллини. Период высокого Ренессанса - это период Леонардо да Винчи, Микеланджело, Фазеля, Андреа дель Сарто, Кореджо, Джорджоне, последних работ Джанни Беллини и Тициана. Период феодализма, которому посвящена отдельная статья, включал в себя последние работы Микеланджело, а также Понтормо, Пармиджанино, Бронзино и Тинторетто.

Cristoforo Cortese was an Italian humanist scholar and philosopher who lived during the Renaissance. He was born around 1399 in Padua, Italy, and studied at the University of Padua. Cortese was a prolific writer and his works covered a wide range of subjects including philosophy, theology, ethics and politics. He was particularly interested in the works of Aristotle and wrote extensively on his philosophy. One of Cortese's most famous works is 'De Homine', a treatise on human nature. In this work he argued that humans have free will and are capable of making moral decisions. He also discussed the concept of the soul and its relationship to the body. Cortese was known for his strong opposition to Scholasticism, which was the dominant philosophical system of the time. He believed that Scholasticism was too focused on abstract concepts and lacked practical application. In addition to his philosophical works, Cortese was also a skilled translator. He translated several works from Greek into Latin, including those of Aristotle and Plato. Cortese died in Venice, Italy in 1445. His works had a significant influence on Renaissance humanism and are still studied and admired by scholars today.



1300 - 1500


Metropolitan Museum of Art

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cristoforo cortese
Кристофоро Кортезе