真美大観 15 鈴木其一 不動明王

真美大観 15 鈴木其一 不動明王



Shinbi Taikan Vol. 15: ”Arya Acara, By Kiitsu. (Kakemono, coloured, 86 ⨉ 41 cm.) OWNED BY MR. KYUYEMON OZAWA, MUSASHI PROVINCE. (WOOD-CUT.) Arya Acara [= Ācalanātha, Āryācalanātha, Ācala-vidyā-rāja, Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇa] is a fancied god in the mystic religion. His movements are very free. He does as he likes, and displays his power in whatever way he thinks is of benefit to all. He stands with a huge shape of flame burning at his back, which signifies great wisdom. In his hand he carries a rope and a sword, and he is supposed to represent the characteristics of god who constantly has the power of restraining all the turbulent, evil demons. Cetaka and Kinkara are two of his pages. This picture, as a whole, takes the manner of old images in the way of painting the god's form; but the method of treatment is very much like recent pictures and is deficient in sublimity; still we see bold and strong touches in the brushwork of the folds and overlapping of the robes; and the flame is especially skilfully done. This must be considered a treasure, and as one of the extraordinary masterpieces among the productions of the Kōrin [= Rimpa] school.”
日本語: 真美大観 15 「不動明王岡(絹本著色)其一筆 ・竪二尺入寸五分、横一尺三寸六分) 武臓園大深久右衛門君臓 不動明王は密教建立の塞想上の紳にして 身立雲色、利牙上出、火焔を負ひて立ち-手に 剣ど索どを把り、難調の衆生を降伏する念 怒酷烈の神性を表す-制多迦、粋迦羅の二」里 子は其の使者なり、本岡大膿は古式の像容 に従へりど錐も、書法極めて近世化して崇 高の古意を闘けり、然れざも衣裾、波文等の 描法は警抜強健の筆力を見るべく、火燈の 如きも頗る奇巧を弄せり、光琳派中此の種 のものを出だせるは、格外の逸作どして亦 珍賞するに足れり」





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