Witold Rolla-Piekarski - Între negustori de treabă, Furnica, 20 sept 1907


Witold Rolla-Piekarski - Între negustori de treabă, Furnica, 20 sept 1907



Între negustori de treabă ("Among Honest Traders"), cartoon in the Romanian magazine Furnica. It portrays ethnic stereotypes in a bargaining situation: the traditionalist Jew as a middleman, the Romanian as the (not entirely honest) source of his revenue.The Jewish man: — Moi, bade Ivane, pentru di ce vrei tu să vinzi cală ăsta moi?... Tu nu vezi că-i mai gras şi decât tine? ("Ivan my man, vy is it dat you should vant to sell dat horse?... Do you not see eyt is faetter dan you are?")The Romanian: — Apoi să vezi, jupâne. Calul ăsta e un cal foarte bun; dar e de furat şi mi-e frică să nu mi-l fure şi mie altul! ("Well there you go, dear sir. This horse is of very good stock, but I stole it, and I'm afraid that someone else should steal it from me!").





Furnica, 158/1907 (available through the Bucharest City Library DacoRomanica archive)

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public domain

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witold rolla piekarski