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Patent drawing - Drawing for a Submarine Boat Public domain image



This is the printed patent drawing for a submarine boat invented by John P. Holland.

Patent Case Files

Famous patent drawings from The National Archives, Washington DC There are many famous patent drawings from a wide range of inventors and inventions. Some notable examples include: The light bulb: Thomas Edison's patent for the light bulb, which was filed in 1879, included detailed drawings of the bulb's design and construction. The phonograph: Edison's patent for the phonograph, which was filed in 1877, included drawings of the device's components, including the cylinder and the needle. The motion picture camera: Edison's patent for the kinetograph, which was filed in 1891, included drawings of the camera's mechanisms and components, such as the rotating lenses and the film roll. The airplane: The Wright brothers' patent for their airplane, which was filed in 1906, included detailed drawings of the aircraft's design and construction, including its wings, fuselage, and propeller. The telephone: Alexander Graham Bell's patent for the telephone, which was filed in 1876, included drawings of the device's components, such as the transmitter and receiver, as well as a diagram of the electrical circuit. These are just a few examples of famous patent drawings. Many other inventors and inventions have also been represented in detailed drawings in their patent applications.

Beginning in ancient times, humans sought to operate under the water. The legendary origins of the submarine stretch back to 332 BC with a tale about Alexander the Great being lowered into the sea in a glass barrel to study fish. The submarine concept was thereafter consigned to the backwaters of history for some 1,800 years. This collection presents various submarines: from small and simple to nuclear-powered underwater behemoths.



submarine boat patent application patents patent drawings old patents submarine boat patent case files patent inventions technical diagrams us national archives



in collections

Patents from The National Archives

Famous patent drawings from The National Archives


Two hundred Years of History of Submarines


The U.S. National Archives


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submarine boat patent application patents patent drawings old patents submarine boat patent case files patent inventions technical diagrams us national archives